Sometimes, people take what I do for a joke. They don't take me seriously. They don't feel as though what I do constitutes as a "real job". Well, it is. It just seems that way because I am in direct sales. I get it. I do. No one likes to be "sold" to. I didn't before I started. But I didn't understand.
I have been invited to one too many parties, put in one too many Facebook groups, received one too many random Facebook messages from people I barely know or don't even know offering me some amazing, incredible opportunity. I know the pit in your stomach feeling when someone asks for your phone number and you don't want to give it to them but you do anyways. It puts this I-know-what-you're-going-to-do-but-please-don't-do-it feeling in my stomach. It's awkward. I get it. BUT, it happens. And I know both sides of it. Because I've been in her shoes as well.
People think direct sales isn't a real business. But here’s the thing. It is. And you should recognize and celebrate these women (your friends) who are brave enough to start something new, take them on, and work to live the life they always dreamed of with freedom and flexibility. Most of those in direct sales do it as a part-time side business for a little extra money. Heck, some even just do it for an awesome discount. But whatever their reasons, they do it because it's something for them. And if you were trying something new, they'd support you too.
A lot of people in direct sales are stay-at-home moms. They do it so they have complete control of their schedules and can have the flexibility they need (and want) and be able to mother the way they've always dreamed of, while still having a job that they can work how they want and when they want. They want to contribute to their family financially and they want to be a contributing member of society, on their own terms.
Women want control. Shocked by that statement? You shouldn't be. By being involved in direct sales, women (and men, don't get me wrong) can be in control of when they work, where they work, how they work, why they work, the demands put upon their shoulders, and it doesn't take too much to get started. You can baby step in and don't have to jump into a freezing cold pool alone.
Yes, I get invited to parties. Yes, I get added to random Facebook groups to buy mascara, charm necklaces and bracelets, nail supplies, and even food and cookware. But those inviting me are supporting someone running her own business. And I take a step back and realize, she's going to make something of herself. She's moving her business forward. She's an entrepreneur. And as long as she doesn't give up, she'll continue and grow to be successful. I am going to applaud her, from behind my computer. And you should too.
I never in a million years thought this was for me. I have zero marketing experience, no sales background, and was incredibly shy most of my life. I have four college degrees in different aspects of education up to a postdoc. I was in college for over ten years to earn them. I even had the student loans to show for it too (paid them all off with my commissions earned from my personal business)! And now I sell accessories. Yup. Crazy right?! Have I flushed my 15-year teaching career down the toilet as some have said? Absolutely not. Because I still teach. Just in a different way. I was able to leave my full-time teaching career to work from home having my own business, working at my own speed, on my own schedule, and have been doing so, successfully, for almost three years. I have a large, strong, solid team of incredible, amazing, hard-working, independent women who style their own lives. They work on their terms, set their own goals, and work to achieve them. I coach. I lead. I mentor. I train. I motivate. I TEACH.
And, I love what I do. Everyone should. Life is too short to not love what you do.
Friday, April 17, 2015
It's a REAL Job
direct sales
love your job
real job
social selling
stella and dot
work from home
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